Any self-respecting peace officer in the state of California now has the moral obligation to ignore concealed weapon violations by peaceable citizens. Beginning January 1, 2024, even licensed concealed carriers are effectively prohibited from carrying everywhere but some streets and sidewalks. Short version: good cops must ignore CCW violations by normal people. After the Bruen SCOTUS decision, the California government decided to say “fuck you” to legal, law-abiding gun owners by crafting a law that basically made everywhere illegal to carry a firearm even with a permit. SB 2, as the bill is called, is just the latest law in Bruen revenge bills meant to nullify the shall-issue requirement that the decision required. Some major dick moves were pulled by the “justice” system: An injunction against the law was placed before Christmas; of course the CA DOJ challenged it. Then a bunch of pro-gun lawyers were required to work on Christmas drafting a response, only to have the 9th Circuit judges summarily stay the injunction, putting the law back into place. If anyone is surprised, don’t be. The 9th Circuit continually plays partisan politics without any concern for how obvious their partisanship and bias is. But forget that; we know the California politicians and liberal justices are tyrants. So how does this affect the average concealed carrier? There is no unlicensed carry, so you need a permit. Aside from some unusual places that most people don’t go, guns were formerly off-limits at basically just schools and government buildings with metal detectors (by law and by practical application). Sure, there were other terms and conditions, but little in the way of actual law. Again, this affects only those with permits, not criminals and other scumbags, just the people who took the class, the tests, and passed the background checks. What this law does is like saying “Sure, anyone can get a driver license or own a car, but you can only drive your car on the racetrack.” Not “It’s illegal to drive without a license,” or “It’s illegal to drive drunk,” nor “No driving on crowded sidewalks.” Just “You can drive everywhere but the public roads.” Here's what’s off-limits:
Think this is “tolerable”? Often the parking lots are illegal to carry in, meaning the gun has to be already unloaded and locked in a container before you get there. The last one is the most insidious of all. Unless businesses specifically opt-in by posting the opposite of “no guns” signs, literal “concealed carry is ok” signs, it’s illegal. A CCW permit has been made functionally useless by this law. It’s a literal “fuck you,” as in the sponsor and the whole tyrannical regime said “Okay, we have to let you have your carry permits now. Well fuck you, we’ll make it so they’re worthless.” The funny part? This law only applies to permittees; if you’re carrying without a permit it’s just a misdemeanor CCW violation now. So why should cops ignore this? Your arrests will be meaningless. A simple violation of this law (gun where the law says there shouldn’t be one) is a victimless crime. Since this law will ultimately be overturned, it’s likely any convictions would be overturned. No one is hurt by this law, except peaceable citizens, and nothing but an arrest stat with a lot of paperwork will come from it. No one will be protected by this law. Let’s face it, if a gun shouldn’t be there, like the secure area of the airport, or a courthouse (arguable), it will be detected. If there isn’t a way to screen everyone and there isn’t armed security present, people should be allowed to defend themselves. This law only targets people who have licenses to carry, so it would be a like arresting people with driver licenses for violating a law that said “no driving on Sunday.” It only targets licensed concealed carriers. Read the law: it applies only to people with LTCs. The same people who took the tests, went to the classes, paid the fees, and passed the background checks. This specifically doesn’t apply to criminals, felons, prohibited persons, or normal people carrying without a license. The law is tyrannical. Remember, this bill is revenge for the Supreme Court affirming the right to armed self-defense; thus, states had to become “shall issue” for CCW permits. California said “fuck that” and wrote this bill so that the permits would be meaningless. Then the courts said “We’re openly biased and partisan and we know that it’ll take forever for the plaintiffs to challenge this to SCOTUS and get a favorable ruling, so fuck you.” Don’t play the state’s tyrannical games. Also, California has made it so agonizingly difficult to get a CCW with unnecessary hoops that it is hard, expensive, and discouraging to get a permit. That is part of the process to keep people from getting permits. None of that process stops criminals. It can also take months to over a year just to get an appointment. Plenty of normal, otherwise law abiding people who don’t cause trouble (i.e. peaceable) are carrying without a permit. You know as a cop that California no longer cares about crime and punishment. From AB 109 from having to inform your traffic stopees why you pulled them over it’s about leftist bullshit, not safety. You have no obligation to enforce tyrannical laws, only to keep the public safe. You don’t keep the public safe by disarming normal people. So, if you come across someone with a CCW, think really hard before giving a shit. If they’re a prohibited person or up to some nefarious stuff, of course do your job. But if you stop a guy who comes back clear for speeding and he’s got a pistol behind his waistband, let him slide. Don’t discuss it, don’t get it on body cam, and try to avoid patting him down. Don’t make problems for yourself. If you are California peace officer and you care about the Second Amendment, you will ignore SB 2 but also any armed, peaceable citizen with a gun, whether they have a permit to carry or not. This isn’t about following the laws, it’s about letting citizens protect themselves and ignoring blatantly tyrannical, authoritarian laws contrary to American values. Memes stolen shamelessly from a friends' website.
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AuthorNote: this an adaptation from my non-fiction book Suburban Warfare: A cop's guide to surviving a civil war, SHTF, or modern urban combat, available on Amazon. Archives
December 2023