These scenarios are based on 150 KT yield nuclear warheads, which is the most likely size in the Russian arsenal, similar to the United States. China is believed to have 200-300 KT warheads as its most common size yield. The targets are as realistic as I could figure. Camarillo (Oxnard AFB) is not getting nuked and I doubt Point Mugu as well. Port Hueneme is a stretch but it does have strategic sealift value. Probably on LA and Vandenberg would be realistically hit. Images taken from: 150 KT airburst nuclear weapon over Port Hueneme, CA, to destroy the naval base and port facilities with overpressure and prompt radiation. 150 KT airburst nuclear weapon over Port Hueneme, CA, to destroy the naval base and port facilities with overpressure and prompt radiation. 150 KT surface burst weapon detonated at the missile silos at Minuteman Beach, Vandenberg SFB, CA. No nuclear weapon are stored in the silos, which are used to launch unarmed LGM-30G Minuteman III missiles on "glory trips" downrange to Kwajalein Atoll. These are regular tests and deterrence capability demonstrations. In this scenario, fallout is shown blowing towards Los Angeles. There are two silos; conceivably the fallout could be doubled. The red ring is 1000 R/hr, dark orange 100 R/hr, light orange 10 R/hr, and yellow 1 R/hr. Six countervalue airbursts over the Los Angeles metro area to kill as many civilians as possible. A likely scenario, but distribution and amount of warheads is unknown. Airbursts produce essentially no fallout.
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AuthorNote: this an adaptation from my non-fiction book Suburban Warfare: A cop's guide to surviving a civil war, SHTF, or modern urban combat, available on Amazon. Archives
December 2023