America has entered a time when civil disturbances, unrest, and mobs threaten near-anarchy on the streets of suburbia as police are unwilling or unable to protect citizens from rioters. Our nation has entered a time where it is divided in a way we haven’t seen since 1861. We are on the verge of a civil war. This book isn’t to convince you we are at that point or how we got there; this book is to give you ideas on how to protect yourself, your home, and your neighborhood when evil threatens and the police cannot protect you.
Many prepper and survivalist manuals give up suburbia as lost, focusing on rural communities. Not all of us are fortunate to have self-sufficient homesteads in the country, but are trapped in suburbia. What does an urbanite do when SHTF comes to the suburbs?
This book is how average people, with no military or law enforcement skills, who haven’t been steeping themselves in the prepper/patriot movement for years can defend a modern American suburban neighborhood. Military and police tactics have been adapted for realistic scenarios that civilians might face. If you want to stay safe and protect yourself and your neighborhood from people seemingly bent on destroying the country for destruction’s sake, this is your guide.
Civil war is an unpleasant yet almost certainty. Average citizens will be called to take up the mantle of defending their homes and neighborhoods. Unprecedented challenges will come to the heartland such as bombings, drone attacks, and perhaps even genocide. Suburban residents may be living in a modern American version of the siege of Sarajevo. The majority of the population will have to survive, and fight, where they are in cities big and small.
This book is the perfect follow-up companion to Suburban Defense: A cop's guide to protecting your home and neighborhood during riots, civil war, or SHTF. Some of the topics examined are: —How defenders can use drones, —How to defeat armed drones, —Urban fighting in modern American terrain, —What authorities can do to mitigate the risks ahead, —Vehicular gunfights, and —Mitigating the risks of air-delivered munitions.
As America stands at the precipice of famine, political instability, a financial disaster, domestic conflict, and even a civil war, preparing one’s home and family are now a matter of survival. Contrary to the popular belief that rural living will allow a prepared individual to ride out the storm unscathed, lessons from history show us that those outside of cities will face similar threats to their suburban compatriots. Rural and remote homesteads and properties can be easily attacked by a superior force utilizing the same isolation that the owner sought. Getting out of the cities is a good idea if you are prepared for the unique challenges. This book is for:
Farmers who are going to be facing intimidation from organized crime.
Homeowners who don’t want to fall prey to criminals who believe rural isolation will work in their favor to facilitate their crimes.
Country neighborhoods that need to band together against marauders.
Keeping remote homes that thugs want to turn into their retreat in the hands of their owners.
Rural Home Defense is the rural companion to Suburban Defense and Suburban Warfare. It covers topics like:
How Rhodesian farmers dealt with daily terrorist attacks during the 1970s Bush War.
Threats in rural areas, like organized agricultural crime, roving hordes of starving people looting fields, and drug cartels.
How to setup a radio network for neighbors to communicate and summon help in an emergency.
Using cameras, drones, and motion sensors to extend one’s monitoring capabilities.
Hardened perimeters, including fencing, hedgerows, and alarm systems.
Defensive positions, interlocking fields of fire, and creating your own rural defense force.
Close Quarters Battle tactics and how to use a breaching shotgun.
Defending crops, gardens, and livestock during a famine.
A guide to how small drones might be used in domestic unrest or low intensity conflicts
Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are changing the tactical landscape of warfare. The use of drones in conflicts has the potential to alter centuries of ground warfare in the same way as disruptive technologies like smokeless powder, the repeating firearm, tanks, and radios did in the past. Not just a rhetorical discussion of drone warfare, this book looks at practical usage by the prepared citizen, partisan, and soldier.
In 2022, Ukrainian use of modified consumer-grade drones for attack surprised the world who had only really seen them used in intelligence, reconnaissance, and surveillance roles. Lurid videos of grenades being dropped on unaware troops heralds a terrifying new reality in warfare: the poor man’s air force. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are bringing an aerial observation and attack capacity to forces, large and small, that have never had such an advantage before. From warfare, to terrorism, and even self-defense, we have only seen the cusp of what drones can do.
Quadcopters have taken aerial hunting and attacks out of the domain of scout helicopters and delivered it to the squad and individual level. In future conflicts, be they full-scale international wars, civil wars, or domestic unrest, use of drones will be commonplace. Their ease of use will make killing easier, enabling those who cannot or would not be soldiers or insurgents to participate in violence. Drones are a new threat as IEDs were and will be used in similar ways to both sniper attacks and bombings against civilian, military, and government targets.
Thanks to their inherent intelligence gathering nature and developing attack capabilities, drones have the ability to level the playing field or dramatically tilt in favor of the side with aerial assets. In a civil conflict or during the aftermath of a major destabilizing event, drones will play a huge part in both self-defense and any violence. Proliferation of small unmanned aerial systems will occur rapidly, so their potential impact and use in small paramilitary, irregular, and civilian hands deserves examination.
"How do I survive a nuclear war? I live in a wood frame tract house!" you may be thinking. It IS possible to survive nuclear war without an underground shelter. You don't have to despair if the global instability on the world stage comes to that. A highly overlooked defense against radiation is the inverse square law. Basically, if you can get inside and 10 feet away from the radiation outside, the dose you will be exposed to will be only 1%. This is why you’re told to get into the center of a building. If the radiation level is low enough, even sheltering in the center of a joisted masonry or wood framed slab on grade house can be effective.
Surviving a nuclear attack doesn’t have to be a matter of luck. Learn: —What likely nuclear targets are how to calculate your risk. —The kinds of nuclear weapons that might be used and the damage they may cause. —How to take advantage of the inverse square law. —How to turn household items into radiation shielding. —Tips to make your basement a better shelter. —Why radiation exposure may not be a death sentence.
Do you want a two-way radio to communicate during emergencies, disasters, or the end of the world? Is the information online or on YouTube just too confusing to get a good understanding of what your options are? If so, this book is for you!
Don't let the test of ham radio put you off. Obtaining a ham license is not difficult and does not require specialized knowledge of electronics or physics. If ham radio doesn't suit you, there are several non-licensed or minimal requirement options, like FRS (Family Radio Service), GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service), or CB (Citizen's Band) radio. Communication around your property, neighborhood, or town is possible using nearly plug and play radios that anyone who could program a VCR can setup.
In this book, we discuss the options that the average person has to communicate, what they are, and their strengths and weaknesses. Terms are defined and explained. Techniques to use radios during times of upheaval or SHTF are included. Even forms of electronic warfare and how they may be used against you or countered are examined.
This is NOT a "how to get your ham license" guide or a technical explanation of radios and radio waves. Note: this book contains excerpts from the Suburban series of books with new additions.
You may find yourself in the middle of a human disaster you may never have anticipated. Cyberattacks may cripple cell phone networks, nuclear war is suddenly a threat again, and civil unrest is simmering just below the surface. You can't plan to survive what you haven't planned for. Every citizen must begin thinking outside the box and for catastrophes not seen by Western society in generations.
This book is perfect for reader curious about Don Shift's work. Excerpts and adaptations from his other non-fiction books serve as an introduction to unconventional and controversial ideas that are not discussed in most mainstream prepper or survival media. Thinking about reading Don's other works but not sure if they are for you? Here's a place to start. Learn more about:
Alternative communications
The nature of critical, violent events
Riot control and defense
Self-defense shootings
Night vision
Signs of an impending nuclear attack
Surviving a nuclear war without a proper fallout shelter
Note: portions of this book are excerpted and adapted from the author's other works.
Unfortunately, Amazon is the only outlet for my books. At this time, the sales volume is ideal for the print-on-demand and Kindle eBook services that Amazon provides. I know a lot of readers are opposed to supporting the giant monopoly, but please realize for a small author of unconventional and unpopular topics Amazon makes it possible for me to publish when virtually no other publishing house would give me the time of day. Please support my work.