A suburban father is plunged into an icy heart of darkness that threatens his family and everything he holds dear. When a cataclysmic combination of a polar vortex, power grid failure, fuel shortage, and violent pre-election riots converges on his city, Ross’s complacent existence shatters into a deadly struggle for survival.
Ross, a software engineer turned executive, has always felt more comfortable behind a computer screen than dealing with the chaos of the outside world. But when the world starts spiraling towards chaos, the protective bubble around his suburban existence bursts, and his worst nightmares come to life. He finds himself frightfully underprepared and seemingly doing everything wrong.
This book is a thrilling exploration of fatherhood, suburban masculinity, and the depths of courage that emerge when everything is on the line. It is a harrowing tale of survival, transformation, and the enduring power of a father's love amidst the cold fury of a world falling apart. Can Ross, an unprepared everyman, rise to become the hero his family needs him to be? Or will he succumb to the overwhelming forces of nature and human savagery that threaten to consume him? The future of his family hangs in the balance, and every decision could mean the difference between life and death.
How would you ensure your family survived a modern nuclear war in America? In the late 2020s, two families find themselves caught in the middle of a nuclear war with China, fighting for survival. Carson Akins and his friend Neal Reiter find themselves trapped in unenviable, life-threatening situations while war rages and fallout descends around them.
Carson, a high-tech engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area races against the clock to rehabilitate a 70 year old fallout shelter for his family. Across the bay, Neal must get his wife and disabled five-year-old daughter out of Silicon Valley and to safety in Oregon. Little do either of them know it is too late as the warheads explode and deadly fallout descends.
Neal, a former US Air Force nuclear weapons technician, struggles knowing that weapons he maintained have now killed millions while Carson makes difficult choices about the survival of strangers. Their ordeals test their faith as they wrestle with the place of suffering in what appears to be the last days.
What would you do in a modern-day nuclear crisis? Would you leave behind your job at the risk of being fired if nothing—which you pray for—happens? Twin brothers Sheldon and Ellis are keeping a close eye on the development of a war between China and the United States. When it looks like it is about to go nuclear, they realize how close they are drawing the line between evacuation and sheltering in place. On the eve of the war, one brother is poised to head for their remote desert ranch while the other constructs a hasty shelter for his wife who refuses to leave.
Their individual choices are dilemmas that many of us would face if our coworkers and bosses remained unconvinced that a nuclear holocaust was just days away. Can they make it out in time and is a shelter of cobbled together materials enough to protect from deadly fallout? Late For Doomsday is a novella that looks at the often neglected aspects of nuclear war in action; evacuation and shelter life. Join the brothers in their gritty tale of survival.
You might survive a nuclear attack, but would you survive the aftermath? Two friends have a choice: stay in the city and take the chance that they are not pummeled by nuclear warheads or take their chances in the Mojave Desert. Only when it is too late do they make the decision to head for the safety of a friendly ranch, the new home of brothers Sheldon and Ellis from the prequel.
The two friends watch as Las Vegas perishes in nuclear fire and must fight their way through a the scared and dangerous evacuees of a two million person metropolis. On their way, they must find shelter in the inhospitable desert before the incoming wave of fallout arrives. Meanwhile, desperate Chinese commandos are somewhere roaming the countryside.
In the follow-up to Late For Doomsday, this sequel examines what a countervalue nuclear strike against a major city would look like and what it would take to survive it. This thrilling tale includes a realistic portrayal of a nuclear attack on the homeland, how a homestead may be vulnerable after SHTF, and even armed drone warfare. Follow Noah and Ben to their friends' ranch and find out if survival in the dry post-apocalyptic Mojave is possible.
What would life look like after an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) robs Southern California of electricity, communications, and utilities while cars are starved of fuel? Ventura County, just north of Los Angeles, planned for a nuclear attack, but not a devastating EMP.
In the jail, deputy Mika Fischer is left in the dark as the lights suddenly go out and the cell doors won’t lock. As inmates are released, the sheriff’s office must face the realities of the collapse of the modern world.
After retreating to a well-prepared ranch with family and friends, deputies David Palmer and Sam Church realize that they cannot abandon the public. Soon they find that they have to make hard decisions that challenge the “latte and yoga pants” morality of the former world in a situation where ruthlessness is often the difference between life and death.
As violence and desperation increases and a mysterious enemy has cast its hungry eyes on the county, the deputies must leave behind their old ways and find a balance between being a warrior and a keeper of the peace. In the apocalyptic chaos, can the men and women of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office keep the threads of society together while everything falls apart, or do they descend into the same brutality as the villains?
In the follow up to "Hard Favored Rage," a new group of law enforcement officers struggle to survive.
Can a group of unprepared cops help a small county just outside of Los Angeles survive the total collapse of society devastated by an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)? For millions, their death sentence begins the moment the power goes out and the California Aqueduct runs dry, leaving the crops to wither in the fields and the cities to burn. Mere anarchy has been loosed upon the United States.
Ventura County Sheriff’s sergeant Nate Stackhouse wakes up to find himself in a nightmare where the heat and lack of water are the least of his worries. Left without electricity, cars, and most communications in the midst of a brutal heatwave, the sheriff’s office must face the realities of the collapse of the modern world. He must organize an undermanned and overwhelmed station to survive the onslaught that is to come, while facing enemies the deputies have never seen before.
LAPD officer Cory Welch sees firsthand the fall of Los Angeles in to chaos. Utterly unprepared to survive the disaster in-place, he decides to bug out with his firefighter friend. Together, the band of evacuees travel across the hostile desert trying to reach a remote cabin in Utah. Cory and his friends face hundreds of miles of surprises and challenges all to reach their refuge with no expectation of safety.
Despite being unprepared, they learn that survival is a mindset and not what you have in your garage or basement. With everything falling apart, can these unprepared groups rise to the occasion to overcome impossible odds and survive the disaster?
What if Santa Claus were real? It’s a question that many of us have had since we were old enough to know the truth. How would he deliver the presents? What would the theological implications be of Santa?
In this novella, a New York Times reporter gets a mysterious invitation to meet Santa at the North Pole. With the help of the United Postal Service, the reporter travels to the remote Alaskan town of Barrow, the northernmost place in the United States. From there, he travels out onto the Arctic Ocean with a shadowy man in black before being turned over to an Eskimo guide. When he arrives at the North Pole, the cynical journalist is confronted with a wonderous world that seems like make believe every December.
Anyone who wants a fun examination of just how Santa Claus would work, if he was real, can follow along with our protagonist as he asks all the questions a good reporter would want to know of Saint Nicholas.
This work is not to be taken seriously. It is for entertainment purposes and not a serious theological examination. No actual religious implication should be taken away from this work and no particular Christian sect is endorsed nor is criticism intended. The author does not condone the veneration of saints. Suitable for all ages.
Unfortunately, Amazon is the only outlet for my books. At this time, the sales volume is ideal for the print-on-demand and Kindle eBook services that Amazon provides. I know a lot of readers are opposed to supporting the giant monopoly, but please realize for a small author of unconventional and unpopular topics Amazon makes it possible for me to publish when virtually no other publishing house would give me the time of day. Please support my work.